

As a foreigner, if you ask: 

What is the most popular social activity among Chinese business people now?

The answer always the same, "掼蛋guàn dàn"!

In May 2024, BC Mandarin School successfully organized "掼蛋guàn dàn" activities for foreign friends several times, attracting more than 20 people from Japan, South Korea, and USA.


Everyone mastered the rules of the game in a pleasant atmosphere, and accidentally forgot the time for dinner. They experienced this joke firsthand: 

If you don't play the game "掼蛋guàn dàn" before a meal, just like you didn't come to this party;

if you don't play the game "掼蛋guàn dàn" after a meal, it's like you're just wasting time eating and not really enjoying it.

Before the event, none of the foreigners here had heard of this poker game. In order to help everyone work smoothly in China in the future, BC Mandarin School specially organized the game party“掼蛋guàn dàn”, patiently explaining the rules and accompanying them to practice.


After the practice, everyone got started quickly. They chatted and played with a lot of fun. They are looking forward to improving skills with more Chinese friends in the future.


In recent years, “掼蛋guàn dàn” has become the most popular game in China, even Global Times also reported on this phenomenon. “掼蛋guàn dàn” has reached 140 million fans in China. Last year, it was listed as a performance event at the Fifth National Mind Games.



This game is also great for building stronger business partnerships. Many people say, “When you play Texas hold’em, everyone at the table is your opponent. But when you play “掼蛋guàn dàn”, you have allies. This process helps build relationships with customers and form closer relationships.”


Welcome to BC Mandarin School and play “掼蛋guàn dàn” together!